Anne Of Green Gables – Teen Eli Readers A1 – Downloadable Audio

SKU: 9788853631848 Categoria:

Autor Montgomery, Lucy Maud


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Anne Of Green Gables – Teen Eli Readers A1 – Downloadable Audio

O Livro Anne Of Green Gables – Teen Eli Readers A1 – Downloadable Audio , trata de, The bestselling novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery.One day, in Canada, an eleven year old girl, Anne, arrives at Green Gables. She is going to live with Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, who are brother and sister. But Anne does not know thatMatthew and Marilla want a boy and not a girl.Vocabulary areas Home, School, Family, Nature, Colours, Clothing.Grammar and structures Simple Present states and habits, Present Continuous actions in progress, Past Simple finished actions, Future forms Present, Continuous, going to, will, Can ability, Could ability, Must obligation, Have to necessity, Will offers,predictions, Adjectives, Prepositions place, time, Pronouns, Question Words, Relative Clauses, There isThere are, Verbs infinitiveing, When clauses Se tiver alguma dúvida, entre em contato aqui

Peso0,13 kg
Dimensões15 × 21 cm








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