Camb Global Eng Workbook 8 With Digital Access 1 Year 2Ed

SKU: 9781108963718 Categoria:

Autor Cambrigde


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Camb Global Eng Workbook 8 With Digital Access 1 Year 2Ed

O Livro Camb Global Eng Workbook 8 With Digital Access 1 Year 2Ed , trata de, Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks. With varied activities – including matching definitions and completing sentences – these workbooks help you practise and consolidate what you have learnt. The activities also support the reading, writing and Use of English strands of the Cambridge English as a Second Language Lower Secondary curriculum framework. This new edition provides more grammar practice with a short grammar presentation, followed by activities differentiated into three tiers: Focus, Practice and Challenge. Ideal for use in the classroom or for homework. Se tiver alguma dúvida, entre em contato aqui

Peso 0,39 kg
Dimensões 21 × 28 cm








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