David Copperfield – Teen Eli Readers B1 – Downloadable Audio

SKU: 9788853632142 Categoria:

Autor Peet, Alex


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David Copperfield – Teen Eli Readers B1 – Downloadable Audio

O Livro David Copperfield – Teen Eli Readers B1 – Downloadable Audio , trata de, The story traces the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity.David Copperfield looks back on the first twenty-five years of his life. He is only eight years old when his mother, a young pretty widow remarries. Unfortunately, Mr Murdstone is not a good husband or father. David is sent away to school and only returns home when tragedy strikes. Unloved and unwanted, he is sent to work in a factory but David is a resourceful boy and determines to find a better life for himself.Grammar and Structures Present simple states, habits. Past simple finished time. Past continuous actions in progress at a specific time in past, interrupted actions. Present perfect simple indefinite past, unfinished past. Past perfect narrative. Futures willshall, present continuous. Verb forms Imperatives. Passives present, past simple. Gerunds after verbs, prepositions Conditionals 1st conditional possible presentfuture. 2nd conditional hypothetical presentfuture. Reported speech statements, questions, commands Se tiver alguma dúvida, entre em contato aqui

Peso0,165 kg
Dimensões14 × 21 cm








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