Discover With Dex Starter – Dex The Dino Pb Plus Pack – British English

SKU: 9780230494602 Categoria:

Autor Medwell, Claire


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4x de R$57,41 sem juros

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Discover With Dex Starter – Dex The Dino Pb Plus Pack – British English

O Livro Discover With Dex Starter – Dex The Dino Pb Plus Pack – British English , trata de, This is a three level pre-primary course for very young learners who are starting their L2 learning at the same time as they start their L1 schooling (3 to 5 years old). The course follows a story-based approach, with a delightful young dinosaur called Dex, and includes a full range of age-appropriate activities, such as singing, acting out, TPR, etc. Activities are designed to develop children’s motor skills and their cognitive skills with more challenging activities. Early literacy skills are also worked on, with an accompanying Literacy Book for higher-level learners. Se tiver alguma dúvida, entre em contato aqui

Peso0,265 kg
Dimensões23 × 30 cm








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