Statistical Aspects Of Quality Control,

SKU: 9780122100109 Categoria:

Autor Cyrus Derman


7 em estoque

4x de R$69,50 sem juros

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Statistical Aspects Of Quality Control,

O Livro Statistical Aspects Of Quality Control, , trata de, Detalhes do produtoon-line and off-line quality control are the two methods used to discern a products reliability of quality. Though they are disparate techniques, both methods are used to achieve the same result. This introductory textbook integrates the two techniques to present a wide coverage of statistical methods of quality control. The text is compact, stressing the key ideas and concepts rather than trying to cover each method in complete depth. Statistical aspects of quality control is an excellent starting point for a student interested in learning more about the field of statistical quality control. References and suggested readings are included at the end of each chapter.

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Peso0,255 kg
Dimensões16 × 24 cm






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