Uncle Jack And The Meerkats – Young Eli Readers A1.1 – Downloadable Multimedia

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Autor Cadwallader, Jane


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Uncle Jack And The Meerkats – Young Eli Readers A1.1 – Downloadable Multimedia

O Livro Uncle Jack And The Meerkats – Young Eli Readers A1.1 – Downloadable Multimedia , trata de, When Uncle Jack and the children find some homesick baby meerkats, sad and lonely in a cage, they decide to take them home to the Kalahari Desert. Getting there is easy in Uncle Jacks balloon. But the desert is a dangerous place. Can they keep themsafe?Vocabulary areas Animals, nature, feelings, townGrammar and structures Past simple regular and irregular forms Verb infinitive Verb -ing Could Must for obligation Shall for obligation Adverbs never, sadly, a lot Comparatives superlatives better, best Se tiver alguma dúvida, entre em contato aqui

Peso0,105 kg
Dimensões15 × 21 cm








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