Walden And Civil Disobedience

SKU: 9780140390445 Categoria:

Autor Thoreau, Henry


7 em estoque

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Walden And Civil Disobedience

O Livro Walden And Civil Disobedience , trata de, Disdainful of America’s booming commercialism and industrialism, Henry David Thoreau left Concord, Massachusetts in 1845 to live in solitude in the woods near Walden Pond. Walden, the account of his stay, conveys at once a naturalist’s wonder at the commonplace and a Transcendentalist’s yearning for spiritual truth and self-reliance. But even as Thoreau disentangled himself from worldly matters, his musings were often disturbed by his social conscience. Civil Disobedience, also included in this volume, expresses his antislavery and antiwar sentiments and has influenced non-violent resistance movements worldwide. Both give a rewarding insight into a free-minded, principled and idiosyncratic man.

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Peso 0,249 kg
Dimensões 12 × 20 cm






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